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Crispy Waffle Fries in Air Fryer: Seasoning Tips & Serving Ideas

Crispy Waffle Fries in Air Fryer: Seasoning Tips & Serving Ideas

Are you a fan of crispy waffle fries? If so, you’re in for a treat! I’ve discovered the perfect way to achieve that crunchy exterior and fluffy interior using an air fryer.

In this article, I’ll share with you my top tips and tricks for making the most delicious waffle fries in an air fryer. From seasoning suggestions to cooking times, I’ve got you covered.

Choosing the Right Potatoes

When it comes to making the perfect crispy waffle fries in an air fryer, selecting the right type of potatoes is crucial. Here are some tips on choosing the best potatoes for your waffle fries:

  • Opt for russet potatoes as they are high in starch content, which helps achieve that desired crispiness.
  • Avoid waxy potatoes like red or new potatoes, as they contain less starch and can result in a softer texture.
  • Look for firm and unblemished potatoes to ensure even cooking and a uniform texture in your waffle fries.

Remember, the type of potatoes you choose can make a significant difference in the final outcome of your crispy waffle fries in the air fryer.

Preparing the Waffle Fries

When preparing waffle fries in an air fryer, it’s important to start by washing the potatoes thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Next, I’ll peel the russet potatoes and cut them into uniform shapes to ensure even cooking. I’ll aim for a thickness of around 0.25 inches to achieve that perfect balance between crispy exterior and fluffy interior.

I’ll then soak the potato slices in cold water for about 30 minutes to remove excess starch. This step is crucial for preventing the fries from sticking together and helps in achieving a crispy texture. After soaking, I’ll pat the potato slices dry with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture before seasoning them.

For seasoning, I’ll keep it simple with a mix of salt, pepper, and a hint of paprika for added flavor. I’ll toss the potato slices in the seasoning mixture until they are evenly coated. I’ll preheat the air fryer to the recommended temperature and lightly coat the basket with oil to prevent sticking.

Once the air fryer is ready, I’ll arrange the seasoned potato slices in a single layer in the basket, making sure not to overcrowd them. I’ll then cook the waffle fries in batches, if necessary, to ensure they cook evenly. Cooking times may vary, but typically waffle fries will be ready in about 15-20 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crispy.

Remember, the key to perfect waffle fries lies in the preparation – from selecting the right potatoes to cutting them uniformly and seasoning them well. This attention to detail will result in deliciously crispy waffle fries that are sure to be a hit with family and friends.

Seasoning Options

When it comes to seasoning waffle fries cooked in an air fryer, the possibilities are endless. Seasoning your fries can take your dish from ordinary to extraordinary, adding depth of flavor and unique twists. Here are some popular seasoning options to consider:

  • Classic Salt and Pepper: A timeless combination that enhances the natural flavors of the potatoes.
  • Garlic Parmesan: A savory blend of garlic, parmesan cheese, and herbs that adds richness to the fries.
  • Spicy Cajun: For those who enjoy a bit of heat, a cajun seasoning mix can provide a spicy kick to your fries.
  • Herb and Olive Oil: Fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and parsley combined with olive oil create a fragrant and herbaceous seasoning.
  • Truffle Salt: Elevate your waffle fries with the earthy and luxurious flavor of truffle salt.

Experimenting with different seasoning options can help you discover new flavor profiles and find your favorite blend. Don’t be afraid to get creative and mix and match seasonings to create a personalized seasoning blend that suits your taste preferences. Remember, the key to perfectly seasoned waffle fries lies in finding the right balance of flavors that complement the crispy texture of the fries.

Cooking in the Air Fryer

When cooking waffle fries in an air fryer, it’s essential to follow a few key steps to achieve that perfect crispy yet fluffy texture. Here’s how I do it:

  • Preheat: I always preheat my air fryer. This helps in ensuring even cooking and that delightful crunch we all love.
  • Single Layer: Placing the waffle fries in a single layer is crucial. Overcrowding the basket can result in uneven cooking.
  • Shake: I make sure to shake the basket halfway through. This helps in achieving that uniform crispiness.
  • Seasoning: After cooking the waffle fries, season them immediately. The residual heat will help the seasonings stick better.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy perfectly cooked waffle fries straight from your air fryer.

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to enjoying waffle fries hot off the air fryer, the possibilities are endless. Here are some of my favorite serving suggestions to take your waffle fry experience to the next level:

  • Classic Dipping Sauces: Pair your waffle fries with classic condiments like ketchup, mayo, or mustard for a timeless flavor combination.
  • Gourmet Aioli: Elevate your waffle fries with a side of gourmet aioli, such as garlic parmesan, truffle, or sriracha mayo for a touch of sophistication.
  • Loaded Waffle Fries: Get creative and load up your waffle fries with toppings like melted cheese, crispy bacon bits, green onions, and a dollop of sour cream for a hearty indulgence.
  • Spice Things Up: Sprinkle some Cajun seasoning or chipotle powder on your waffle fries for a spicy kick that adds an extra dimension of flavor.
  • Sweet and Savory: For a unique twist, try drizzling your waffle fries with a combination of honey and hot sauce or maple syrup and crispy crumbled bacon for a sweet and savory treat.
  • Waffle Fry Nachos: Transform your waffle fries into a delicious plate of loaded nachos by topping them with melted cheese, jalapenos, black beans, diced tomatoes, and a drizzle of sour cream.
  • Breakfast Waffle Fries: Start your day off right by serving waffle fries alongside scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and avocado slices for a breakfast that’s sure to impress.


Cooking waffle fries in the air fryer opens up a world of flavor possibilities with various seasoning options and serving suggestions. By following essential tips like preheating the air fryer, arranging the fries properly, and seasoning immediately after cooking, you can achieve the perfect texture and taste every time. Elevate your waffle fry experience with gourmet aioli, loaded toppings, spicy seasonings, or sweet and savory combinations. From waffle fry nachos to breakfast pairings, the options are endless for creating delicious and creative dishes. With these tips and serving ideas, you can impress your family and friends with flavorful waffle fry creations straight from your air fryer. Enjoy the crispy perfection of waffle fries and let your culinary creativity shine!

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