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Crunchy Kale Chips with Air Fryer: How-To Guide & Storage Tips

Crunchy Kale Chips with Air Fryer: How-To Guide & Storage Tips

Looking to make a healthy and delicious snack? I’ve got you covered! Today, I’ll show you how to make crispy kale chips using an air fryer.

Air fryers are a game-changer when it comes to creating guilt-free snacks. With just a few simple ingredients and a dash of creativity, you can enjoy a crunchy and flavorful treat in no time.

Choosing the right kale

When making kale chips in an air fryer, selecting the right type of kale is essential for achieving that perfect crispiness. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best kale for your chips:

  • Curly kale: This variety is the most common choice for kale chips due to its sturdy texture and ability to hold up well during the air frying process.
  • Lacinato kale: Also known as dinosaur kale, it is another great option for kale chips as it has a slightly sweeter taste compared to curly kale.
  • Red Russian kale: With its purple stems and frilly leaves, Red Russian kale can add a pop of color to your kale chips while still crisping up nicely in the air fryer.

When selecting kale for your chips, look for fresh, vibrant leaves that are free of wilting or yellowing. Fresh kale will produce the best results and ensure that your chips turn out crispy and flavorful.

Experimenting with different types of kale can also add a fun twist to your kale chips, allowing you to discover unique flavor profiles and textures. So don’t be afraid to mix and match kale varieties to create your perfect batch of crispy chips.

Preparing the kale leaves

When making kale chips in an air fryer, Preparing the kale leaves is a crucial step for achieving that perfect crispiness. Here’s how I recommend preparing your kale leaves for the best results:

  • Wash the kale: Start by washing the kale leaves thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Dry the kale: After washing, make sure to dry the kale completely. Any moisture left on the leaves can prevent them from getting crispy in the air fryer.
  • Remove the stems: I always recommend removing the tough stems from the kale leaves. They can hinder the crispiness and texture of the chips.
  • Tear into bite-sized pieces: Tear the kale leaves into bite-sized pieces, ensuring they are relatively uniform in size. This helps in even cooking and crispiness.
  • Massage with oil: Lightly massage the kale leaves with a small amount of oil to ensure they are evenly coated. This helps in achieving a crispy texture when air-fried.
  • Season to taste: Don’t forget to season your kale leaves with salt, pepper, or any other seasonings you prefer. This step adds flavor to your chips.
  • Let it sit: Allow the seasoned kale leaves to sit for a few minutes before air frying. This helps the leaves absorb the flavors and ensures a well-seasoned batch of chips.

By following these simple steps, you can prepare your kale leaves effectively for air frying, resulting in delicious and crispy kale chips. Always remember, the key to perfect kale chips lies in the preparation process.

Seasoning the kale chips

When it comes to seasoning kale chips, I want to highlight the importance of finding the right balance. Over-seasoning can overpower the natural flavors of the kale, while under-seasoning might leave them bland.

Here are some popular seasoning options that I enjoy using when making kale chips in my air fryer:

  • Sea salt: A classic option that enhances the kale’s flavor without being too overpowering.
  • Garlic powder: Adds a savory kick that complements the earthiness of kale.
  • Parmesan cheese: Offers a salty and umami flavor that pairs perfectly with crispy kale.
  • Smoked paprika: Provides a hint of smokiness that elevates the taste of the chips.

Experimenting with different seasonings is key to discovering your favorite flavor combinations. Remember, a light coating is often all you need to take your kale chips to the next level.

Air frying the kale chips

When it comes to air frying kale chips, it’s essential to follow a few key steps to achieve that perfect crispy texture. First, ensure the kale leaves are thoroughly washed and dried before removing the stems and tearing them into bite-sized pieces.

Next, massage the kale with a drizzle of olive oil to help the seasonings adhere and promote even crisping. As a seasoned kale chip enthusiast, I recommend using a light hand with the oil to prevent sogginess and ensure a satisfying crunch.

Once the kale is well-coated, sprinkle on your desired seasonings. Whether you opt for classic sea salt or get adventurous with flavors like chili lime or ranch seasoning, the air fryer will work its magic to create a delightful snack in minutes.

Preheat your air fryer to the recommended temperature, usually around 350°F, and arrange the kale in a single layer to allow for proper air circulation. Cooking times may vary based on your air fryer model, but be sure to check on the chips periodically to prevent burning.

In just a few minutes, you’ll be rewarded with crispy kale chips that are not only delicious but also a healthier alternative to traditional snacks. Enjoy them on their own or pair them with your favorite dip for a satisfying treat that’s as guilt-free as it is tasty.

Serving and storing the kale chips

When it comes to serving your freshly air-fried kale chips, I recommend enjoying them right away for the best crispy texture. These flavorful chips are ideal for snack time or as a crunchy addition to your meals. Pair them with a dip like hummus or salsa for a delightful treat.

To store any leftover kale chips, ensure they are completely cooled before transferring them to an airtight container. Properly stored, these chips can last for a few days, maintaining their crispiness. However, for the ultimate freshness and crunch, it’s best to consume them soon after air frying.

Remember that the key to preserving the quality of your kale chips lies in keeping them away from moisture. Any exposure to humidity can cause them to lose their crunchiness. If you find that your chips have become slightly less crispy, you can reheat them in the air fryer for a few minutes to regain some of that delightful texture.

Keep these serving and storing tips in mind to make the most of your air-fried kale chips and enjoy a healthy and satisfying snack anytime.


So there you have it, my tips for serving and storing your delicious air-fried kale chips. Remember to enjoy them fresh for the ultimate crispiness and pair them with your favorite dips. Cooling and storing leftovers in an airtight container will help maintain their crunchiness for a few days. For the best experience, consume your chips soon after air frying and keep them away from moisture. If your chips lose their crispiness, simply pop them back into the air fryer for a quick reheat. These strategies are designed to ensure you get the most out of your air-fried kale chips, creating a healthy and satisfying snack every time.

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