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Golden Brown Perfection: Easy Soft Pretzel Recipe in Your Air Fryer

Golden Brown Perfection: Easy Soft Pretzel Recipe in Your Air Fryer

Craving soft pretzels but don’t want to deal with the hassle of deep-frying? I’ve got you covered! Let me show you how easy it is to make deliciously soft pretzels using an air fryer.

With just a few simple ingredients and a trusty air fryer, you’ll be on your way to enjoying warm, doughy pretzels in no time. I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process, so you can satisfy your pretzel cravings without the greasy mess.

Choosing the Right Dough Recipe

When it comes to making soft pretzels using an air fryer, Choosing the Right Dough Recipe is crucial for a successful outcome. Here are a few key tips to keep in mind when selecting your dough recipe:

  • Yeast: Opt for a dough recipe that uses active dry yeast to help the pretzels rise and achieve that perfect fluffiness.
  • Sugar: Look for a recipe that includes sugar as it not only adds a touch of sweetness but also helps with activating the yeast for better leavening.
  • Butter: A buttery dough can contribute to a richer flavor and softer texture, so consider recipes that incorporate butter into the mixture.
  • Salt: While pretzels are known for their savory flavor, salt is a key ingredient that should not be omitted in your dough recipe.
  • Flour: Opt for bread flour instead of all-purpose flour for a chewier and more authentic pretzel texture.
  • Water: Make sure your recipe includes warm water to activate the yeast properly and help the dough rise effectively.

By paying attention to these components in your dough recipe, you can ensure that your soft pretzels turn out just the way you like them – fluffy, flavorful, and perfectly golden brown. I’ll be sharing more tips on preparing and shaping the dough in the upcoming section.

Shaping the Pretzels

Shaping the pretzels is a fun and essential part of the soft pretzel-making process. Here’s how I do it:

  • Roll out the dough: After it has doubled in size, I gently roll the dough into ropes of equal length, typically about 20 inches each.
  • Form the classic pretzel shape: To shape the pretzel, I form a “U” with the dough rope, cross the ends over each other, and then press them down into the bottom of the “U” to create the classic pretzel shape.
  • Enhance the flavor with a baking soda bath: Before air frying, I dip each pretzel into a mixture of boiling water and baking soda for about 30 seconds. This step enhances the flavor and helps achieve that iconic pretzel crust.
  • Adding toppings: After shaping the pretzels, I sometimes get creative by adding various toppings like sea salt, sesame seeds, cheese, or even cinnamon sugar for a sweet twist.

Shaping the pretzels requires a bit of practice, but it’s a rewarding process that adds a personal touch to your homemade soft pretzels.

Preparing the Air Fryer

When it comes to making soft pretzels using an air fryer, preparing the appliance correctly is crucial for a successful outcome. Here’s how I get my air fryer ready for the pretzel-making process:

  • Preheat: I always preheat my air fryer. Just like with an oven, preheating ensures that the air fryer is at the optimal temperature for cooking the soft pretzels evenly.
  • Grease: Before placing the pretzels in the air fryer basket, I grease it lightly to prevent sticking. A light coating of cooking spray or oil does the trick.
  • Arrange: I make sure to arrange the pretzels in a single layer in the air fryer basket. This allows them to cook uniformly and achieve that perfect golden-brown color.

By following these simple steps to prepare my air fryer, I ensure that my soft pretzels turn out just the way I like them – golden brown, delicious, and with that perfect chewy texture.

Cooking the Pretzels

When it comes to Cooking the Pretzels in the air fryer, timing is crucial for that perfect golden brown finish. I like to set the temperature to 375°F and cook them for 8-10 minutes, flipping them halfway through. This ensures an even cook and that lovely crispy exterior.

I always keep an eye on the pretzels towards the end of the cooking time to prevent them from overcooking. Once they’re done, I take them out, let them cool for a moment, and then they are ready to be enjoyed.

Remember, each air fryer is different, so adjusting the cooking time slightly might be needed based on your specific model. It may take a trial or two to find the perfect timing for your air fryer, but it’s worth it for that delicious result.

Serving and Enjoying

When it comes to serving your freshly air-fried soft pretzels, pairing them with mustard or cheese sauce can elevate the flavor experience. I find that a classic yellow mustard or a creamy cheese dip complements the salty pretzel taste perfectly.

For an added touch, try sprinkling pretzel salt or cinnamon sugar right after air frying for a tasty twist. The salt enhances the savory flavor, while the cinnamon sugar provides a sweet and delightful option.

To truly enjoy your soft pretzels, gather around with friends or family for a relaxed snack time or party. These treats are best served warm and can be a hit at gatherings or movie nights.


Perfecting soft pretzels in the air fryer involves mastering the timing and temperature settings for that ideal golden hue. With the temperature at 375°F and a cooking time of 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through is key. It’s crucial to keep an eye on them towards the end to prevent any overcooking. Remember, different air fryer models may require slight adjustments in cooking time. Let the pretzels cool briefly before indulging. For serving, consider mustard or cheese sauce, pretzel salt, or cinnamon sugar for that extra kick. Share these warm treats with loved ones for a delightful snack or party hit.

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